GNC(C) ® Exam Prep

Copyright © 2016 Manitoba Gerontological Nursing Association. All rights reserved.​

Thinking about writing the Gerontological Nursing Certification Canada (GNC(C) ®) exam through the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA)?

Check out the CNA website for a reference list of articles, books, etc. to help prepare for the exam.

  • ​Initial Certification - Find out when to apply to write the exam in the spring (May) or fall (November)​, eligibility criteria for examination, fees, and more about the application process
  • Exam Preparation - Lists of competencies, bibliographies, and tips and tricks for preparing for the exam
    • ​Once you register for the GNC(C) ® exam the CNA will send you 100 online practice questions

Feel like you need to talk it out or study with another nurse passionate about care of the older adult?

Contact us and we will connect you to other MGNA members who have written or are currently preparing to write the GNC(C) ® exam.